LowUP: Tell us a bit about your company. What does it do and in which way is it involved in energy efficiency? Daniele: RDZ has always been involved in energy issues. Since the very beginning of its underfloor heating (UFH) business, our company has supported energy-saving solutions. While the Italian Law 373/76 focused the attention to the energy consumption in
The next LowUP General Assembly is to be held in Paris on 11 and 12 February. ACCIONA, project coordinator will host this meeting while the workshop will be facilitated by LGI, one of the LowUP partners. On the first day of our meeting, we will assess the progress of the project so far and strategise on how to meet the project’s objectives
Horizon 2020 energy efficiency projects CATALYST, LowUP and COOL DH developed innovative technologies for waste heat extraction and utilisation. They were presented and discussed during the 5th International Conference on Smart Energy Systems at the Aalborg University in Copenhagen. The vision of CATALYST project is to turn Data Centers into multi-carrier energy hubs. Data Centers have a big potential as players in
Summary On 9 September 2019, EASME B.1.1 organised a workshop on Waste Heat & Cold utilisation. The workshop was organised as a side event of 5th International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and was hosted at the premises of Aalborg University. The aim of the conference was to establish a venue for presenting and discussing scientific findings and industrial experiences
Experimental study of Phase Change Material influence on different models of Photovoltaic-Thermal collectors Highlights Experimental evaluation photovoltaic-thermal performance on different models. Analysis of phase change material effect on the energy performance. Different PVT configurations are considered and compared with a commercial model. PCM provoked the reallocation of the heat generation, reaching to 30% of max. level. Thermal and electrical performance
On the 21 and 22 November, LGI (LowUP project partner) hosted the M24 General Assembly of the LowUP project in Paris. During this meeting, an Exploitation Workshop was organised by Camille Auriault, Esti Sanvicente and Soraya Molinero to make the most of the results generated during and after the end of the project. The Exploitation Workshop considered all the results (the
The next LowUP General Assembly is to be held in Paris on 21 and 22 November 2018. LGI, one of the thirteen LowUP project partners will host the Fourth General Technical Meeting. This meeting which will span over the period of two days will assess the progress of the project so far and strategise on how to meet the project’s objectives for the coming
LowUP – which stands for ‘Low valued energy sources UPgrading for buildings and industry uses’– will contribute to achieving Europe’s GHG reduction targets and increase energy efficiency. The project will develop and demonstrate three new efficient heating and cooling technologies that will significantly reduce both CO2 emissions and primary energy consumption. Heating and cooling refers to the energy needed to