
ACCIONA hosted the LowUP consortium in February 2020, here’s a recap.

On the 11 and 12 February, ACCIONA (LowUP project coordinator) hosted the M40 General Assembly of the LowUP project in Madrid. On the first day, project partners presented updates on each of the 5 work packages in the LowUP project, emphasis was placed on the demonstration sites for each of the LowUP solutions. Pertinent questions relating to the exploitation of the results generated

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LowUP contributed to the development of one of the Solar Impulse Foundation’s 1000 Efficient Solutions

LowUP’s RHeX Rotating Heat Exchanger – Rotating heat recovery unit is one of the Solar Impulse Foundation’s #1000Solutions In 2013, Pozzi patented a newer model of the rotating heat recovery system called RHeX, a key part of the LowUP project. RHeX is a rotating heat exchanger specifically designed to work with dirty effluents containing mechanical particulate without losing efficiency. More on RHeX: Normally,

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LowUP partner, POZZI on how pertinent the project is for energy efficiency


LowUP success stories: the RHeX rotating heat recovery system developed by Pozzi

LowUP – which stands for ‘Low valued energy sources UPgrading for buildings and industry uses’– will contribute to achieving Europe’s GHG reduction targets and increase energy efficiency.  The project will develop and demonstrate three new efficient heating and cooling technologies that will significantly reduce both CO2 emissions and primary energy consumption. Heating and cooling refers to the energy needed to

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