On 9 September 2019, EASME B.1.1 organised a workshop on Waste Heat & Cold utilisation. The workshop was organised as a side event of 5th International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and was hosted at the premises of Aalborg University.
The aim of the conference was to establish a venue for presenting and discussing scientific findings and industrial experiences related to the subject of Smart Energy Systems based on renewable energy, 4th Generation District Heating Technologies and Systems (4GDH), electrification of heating and transportation sectors, electro fuels and energy efficiency.
Conference topics include:
- Smart energy system analyses, tools and methodologies
- Smart energy infrastructure and storage options
- Integrated energy systems and smart grids
- Institutional and organisational change for smart energy systems and radical technological change
- Energy savings, in the electricity sector, in buildings and transport as well as within industry
- Geographical information systems (GIS) for energy systems, heat planning and district heating
- Components and systems for district heating, energy efficiency, electrification and electrofuels
- Renewable energy sources and waste heat sources for district heating
LowUP project partner – GEA – participated in this workshop alongside 34 other participants representing 14 H2020-funded projects from 12 different Energy Efficiency calls and 1 LIFE-funded project from LIFE 2017 call. All projects represented prioritise or work directly on Waste Heat Utilisation or valorisation of Waste Heat.
The meeting provided a forum for the projects to share knowledge, exchange best practices, common challenges and potential synergies in their field of action. The workshop also offered an opportunity to discuss horizontal and contractual issues, as well as the future of EU funding programs (HorizonEurope and LIFE). The meeting concluded with a policy session, where projects discussed concrete policy recommendations with representatives of DG ENER and EASME. The results of the discussion will directly feed into the CA EED discussion on “Waste heat and cold and foreseen practical approaches for the update of EED Article 14 Comprehensive Assessment” which will take place in October 2019.
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