
LowUP infographics are here to summarise each solution & demonstration site!

The LowUP partners are collaboratively developing and demonstrating one heating and one cooling system for office buildings, and one heat recovery system for industrial processes. The systems hare being demonstrated at four demo sites: a pilot office building in Seville (Spain, ACCIONA Construction); a water treatment plant in Madrid (Canal de Isabel II & ACCIONA Water); a Pulp and Paper mill in Setubal

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ACCIONA hosted the LowUP consortium in February 2020, here’s a recap.

On the 11 and 12 February, ACCIONA (LowUP project coordinator) hosted the M40 General Assembly of the LowUP project in Madrid. On the first day, project partners presented updates on each of the 5 work packages in the LowUP project, emphasis was placed on the demonstration sites for each of the LowUP solutions. Pertinent questions relating to the exploitation of the results generated

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LowUP is heading to Madrid for its 5th General Assembly & project workshop

The next LowUP General Assembly is to be held in Paris on 11 and 12 February. ACCIONA, project coordinator will host this meeting while the workshop will be facilitated by LGI, one of the LowUP partners. On the first day of our meeting, we will assess the progress of the project so far and strategise on how to meet the project’s objectives

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