BY&FORCITIZENS conference on “Smart Regeneration of Cities and Regions” will provide a forum to gain comprehensive insights into the opportunities and challenges conferred by further development of Smart Cities and Communities initiatives across Europe. The overall aim is to review and better understand the steps that city leaders, delegates, policymakers and other relevant stakeholders around Europe take to transform their
LowUP: Tell us a bit about your company. What does it do and in which way is it involved in energy efficiency? Raquel: EndeF is a solar technology company located in Zaragoza, Spain. Our goal is to develop and implement solutions based on energy efficiency and the generation of energy with renewable sources. In this regard, the company is focused
The one-day Dissemination Workshop was conducted in Milan, Italy. The first part of the workshop focused on the LowUP project and each of its solutions while the second part was a guided tour of the POZZI facilities in Barlassina, Italy where a component of Heat-LowUP is being developed. In addition to the project partners, several external participants were in attendance.
The third meeting of the Horizon 2020 LowUP project was held on 3 May 2018, on the premises of ACIMIT – the Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers in Milan, Italy with the participation of over 25 representatives from the 13 European organisations involved in the project. The LowUP consortium meets twice a year to keep up with the project’s progress. Now at month eighteen,
LowUP – which stands for ‘Low valued energy sources UPgrading for buildings and industry uses’– will contribute to achieving Europe’s GHG reduction targets and increase energy efficiency. The project will develop and demonstrate three new efficient heating and cooling technologies that will significantly reduce both CO2 emissions and primary energy consumption. Heating and cooling refers to the energy needed to
The H2020 project LowUP is organizing its first Dissemination Workshop which will be held at the ACIMIT (Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers) facilities in Milan, Italy. Interested energy use and its efficiency in buildings? The LowUP project is developing three new efficient technologies which could take your interest to the next level! You’re invited to join in on this
LowUP – which stands for ‘Low valued energy sources UPgrading for buildings and industry uses’– will contribute to achieving Europe’s GHG reduction targets and increase energy efficiency. The project will develop and demonstrate three new efficient heating and cooling technologies that will significantly reduce both CO2 emissions and primary energy consumption. Heating and cooling refers to the energy needed to
In 2017, the LowUP project hit several milestones. This year, more progress will be made in order to raise awareness amongst stakeholders and obtain further engagement for the solutions to be developed during the course of the project. Two dissemination workshops are in purview with information about the benefits of the LowUP solutions specifically targeted to different groups of potential stakeholders.
The next edition of EU Green Week will explore ways in which the EU is helping cities to become better places to live and work. Showcasing policy developments on air quality, noise, waste and water management, it will promote participatory approaches to urban development, networking schemes, and tools for sharing best practices, engaging local authorities and citizens, and encouraging them