Original article published on 28 March 2017 on BUILDUp (The European portal for energy efficiency in buildings) website 5 factors are holding back the energy transition to a zero emissions Europe by 2050, writes Thomas Nowak. The way we use energy in our society needs to change if we want to keep global warming well below 2°C, as stipulated at
Original article published on 3 March 2017 on BUILDUp (The European portal for energy efficiency in buildings) website An analysis by the Buildings Performance Institute Europe (BPIE) on the readiness of EU countries to transition to smart buildings concludes that no Member State is fully prepared to take advantage of the benefits that smart building technologies will entail. BPIE assesses aspects
With heating and cooling being responsible for 51% of Europe’s total final energy, residential heating covering 50% of this and industrial heating another 25%, decarbonising heating and cooling as well as energy demand in industry is essential for the energy system to move to zero carbon. A decarbonisation of Europe’s energy system without a decarbonisation of the heating sector is
Original article published on 21 February 2017 on BUILDUp (The European portal for energy efficiency in buildings) website On 14 February 2017, the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) Concerted Action (CA) organised the workshop “Smart Buildings for a greener Europe: Emerging Policy and Practice”. Around 120 participants attended the event held in Malta, and several more joined it through a