Tag: European Union


38th Euroheat & Power Congress

The next Euroheat & Power Congress will be held in Glasgow, UK from 14-17 May 2017. With political support and visibility increasing rapidly at the EU level and in many national markets, there has never been a more exciting time to be in the DHC business. With this in mind, they have set the challenge of delivering a Congress like

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EU Vine video on heating and cooling

We want to reduce the heat being wasted in the #EU – #EnergyUnion #EUEnergySecurity The European Commission published a video on heating and cooling on the Vine network.


EU Heating and Cooling Infographic

The European Commision has been publishing informative infographics highlighting key numbers. In February last year, they released an infographic entitled 10 things you didn’t know about heating and cooling.  


Overview of support activities and projects of the European Union on energy efficiency and renewable energy in the heating & cooling sector

Original article published on BUILDUp (The European portal for energy efficiency in buildings) Horizon 2020, Framework Programme 7 and Intelligent Energy Europe programmes  of the European Union This document by the European Commission provides an overview of the EU-funded projects in the area of heating and cooling. It focuses on a number of activities and projects funded by EU programmes

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