Heat Pumps in near Zero Emission Buildings (nZEB) – in the new issue of the HPT Magazine!
Heat pumps is an excellent choice for low energy buildings! This is evidenced by the three projects (so called annexes) – within the Technology Collaboration Programme on Heat Pumping Technologies (HPT TCP) – that have been devoted to them, as well as the number of countries that have been participating in them. In the latest issue of HPT Magazine, we get an overview of the benefits of using heat pumps in low energy buildings.
The project leader of these Annexes presents the topic in the Foreword. In the present issue, two of the topical articles discuss nZEB in relation to legislation, directives and standards, while the other three focus on the role of heat pumps in buildings. The Column describes possible reasons to the modest attention that heat pumps receive in EU policy. There is also a summary of two recently finalised Annexes – Cold Climate Heat Pumps and Heat Pumps in Smart Grids. Read also the News in focus and the report from a conference, both regarding the increasing use of air-source heat pumps in China.
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