LowUP’s First Newsletter is OUT!

LowUP – which stands for ‘Low valued energy sources UPgrading for buildings and industry uses’– will contribute to achieving Europe’s GHG reduction targets and increase energy efficiency. The project will develop and demonstrate three new efficient heating and cooling technologies that will significantly reduce both CO2 emissions and primary energy consumption.

Led by the Spanish firm ACCIONA, LowUP gathers 13 partners (3 large companies, 3 research and technology organisations and 7 SMEs) from 7 European countries. During 42 months, the consortium will develop and demonstrate one heating and one cooling system for office buildings, and one heat recovery system for industrial processes.



All three systems will combine innovative heat and cool recovery technologies fuelled by low valued energy sources, also known as low grade. These include both renewable (solar energy, ambient air and water network) and wasted energy sources (sewage waters and excess heat rejected from industrial processes). The use of low valued energy allows the production of heating and cooling at temperature close to room temperature.

The integration of all these improvements sets it apart from current heating and cooling systems, while reducing the energy demand and the total CO2 emissions in buildings and industry. LowUP targets 54% primary energy savings and up to 69% CO2 emissions reduction and the share of residual and renewable sources of thermal energy in the supply heating and cooling demand will be increased by up to 80%. At urban or building level, a wide deployment of the LowUP systems will lead to a reduction of the local air pollution and an improvement of the indoor comfort.

Beyond these savings, results generated by LowUP may open new opportunities for the heating and cooling industry, create new jobs and reduce Europe’s dependency on imported energy. Market studies and exploitation strategies will be carried out to evaluate these benefits and maximise the impact of the technologies that will be developed and demonstrated.

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